Phyllis Ziebell Kesseler Outstanding Educator Award
The Crawford AuSable Excellence in Education Foundation’s new Phyllis Ziebell Kesseler Outstanding Educator Award was created and funded by her husband Roger Kesseler to recognize CASD educators who have done outstanding work in their positions.
Phyllis attended Grayling schools from kindergarten through 12th grade, graduating in 1951. Upon her graduation, she was hired by superintendent Frank Bond to be his secretary and business manager, and upon his retirement, she continued in that position under Joseph Stripe. She was a high-performing employee and truly loved the job, which she held for over five years until she and Roger were married.
Throughout her life, Phyllis Ziebell Kesseler greatly valued the importance of a quality education for all students.
Nomination Form
The next time CAEEF will be accepting nominations is in spring 2024.
The Nomination Form must be submitted to Dana Reilly, CASD business manager, by May 31, 2024.
Please be sure to adhere strictly to the criteria when making your nomination.
The Educator Award can go to any CASD employee -- teacher, support staff member, administrator or district professional employee. The nominees must:
1) be full-time employees of the CASD
2) have three complete years of experience in the CASD.
Daniel & Michelle Barina, Steve & Cheryl Batkoski, David & Lori Boleman, Paul & Amanda Brink, Doug & Maureen DeYoung, Katherine DeYoung, Molly DeYoung, Allison Kesseler, Michael & Tracey Kesseler, Roger Kesseler, Scott Kesseler, David & Lisa Nicks, Ken & Louise Smith, Gary & Pamela Whitlock, Tyler & Laura Williams, Monty & Jill Wiseman
2023 Recipients
Sarah Frisbie, Grayling Elementary School
Michael Kososky, Grayling High School