The College Application

Your college application should be considered as important as a major term paper or a job interview. If it is worth the time to apply, it is worth doing your very best. Plan ahead to spend as much time as it takes to fill it out neatly and completely. In many cases, your application is the first and maybe only picture the college admissions counselor will get of you. Plan to make it a good one.

The Process

Most applications are available online. Simply google the name of the institution, and you should find its application button. The fee to submit a college application can be anywhere from zero to $50 to $100. Some colleges have free application weeks; check them out. If you need a fee waiver, see your counselor.

Counselors recommend that you apply to a minimum of three different colleges. This way, if you get turned down by one school or if your plans change, you have other options. If you are considering a four-year college/university, your application should be sent by Thanksgiving. Many schools have an early application deadline. Don’t assume that, because you have a high grade point and high test scores, you will automatically be accepted.

When your applications are completed, let the Counseling Office know. You will need to use our online transcript application to send your transcripts. You can use this link.

SAT scores must be sent directly from your College Board account.

Do's and Don't's for the Application:


  • Check for errors, and make corrections when necessary.

  • When answering short or long essay questions, write a rough draft first before submitting it. 

  • Take time to do a good job. Be sure to read the directions carefully.

  • Remember to sign your application electronically.

  • Attach a check or money order to your application when applicable.

  • Fill out as much as you can; then if you need help, ask for it.


  • Rush.

  • Lie or exaggerate on your application.