Community Service

Community Service Hours

GHS requires our students to perform ten hours of community service (CSH) every year of high school for a total of 40 hours. Turn in your CSH on the form provided below to Ms. Smith in the Media Center at the end of your freshman, sophomore and junior years. Seniors can turn in your forms as soon as you have completed your 40 hours, but the deadline is the last day of the second trimester to turn in your form to Ms. Smith. 

CSH can be submitted only for volunteering for non-profit agencies or individuals. You cannot submit hours for work performed at businesses.

If you do not have your CSH completed, check the Daily Announcements for information regarding opportunities around the community.

If you have not received your letter of completion from the Community Service Advisory Board, you may not have met your graduation requirement.

It is each student's responsibility to check his/her Community Service Hours (CSH) for accuracy in Skyward and report discrepancies to JoEllen Smith.

Community Service Hours Form